Palazzo Perrone di San Martino: from aristocratic mansion to headquarters of the CRT Foundation. With this virtual tour, we take you on a tour of the history and courtly surroundings of the wonderful Perrone Palace in Turin, now the headquarters of Fondazione CRT.
Over 20 years of acquisitions, more than 800 works by 300 artists worth 40 million euros: a prestigious collection available to the community in the museums of Castello di Rivoli and Gam Torino. Explore a selection of significant works from the Collection through the immersive Virtual Gallery experience.
Officine Grandi Riparazioni, a majestic industrial complex of the late 19th century, has been a protagonist of the city's growth for about a century. Today, after more than a thousand days of construction and 100 million invested by Fondazione CRT, they have been reborn under the sign of art, creativity and innovation. Discover the history and the project in an immersive, interactive and futuristic visitor experience, in which reconstructions of the old workshops serve as a backdrop to the new OGR projected into the future.
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10121 Torino – Italia
T +39 011 5065 100
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Via XX Settembre, 31
10121 Torino – Italia
P (Phone Number) +39 011 5065 100
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FC (Fiscal Code / Tax Code / Tax Number) 97542550013
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