Projects, activities, collaborations and synergies of the Fondazione CRT are the source of the most exciting stories worth telling. The Fondazione CRT invests strategically in human capital training to provide the new generations with the skills they need for their future and to support the growth of the organisations and businesses that are the foundation […]
Fondazione CRT is launching the project “Talents for the Community – building new leadership”, an innovative training course aimed at people who work every day for the enhancement of civic, social and economic development of local communities. The aim of the course is to provide tools to enhance the effectiveness of the action of operators […]
Not&Sipari is the Fondazione CRT’s call for proposals dedicated to the spread of music, theatre and dance. The 2022 call for proposals provides grants of up to 40,000 euros for each live performance event selected. In line with the goals of the 2030 Agenda, Not&Sipari 2022 promotes four new targets by including them in the evaluation […]
Elena Ferrero has a master’s degree in food science in her pocket, Sara Secondo a master’s degree in law. Two paths hardly intertwined with the world of fashion, were it not for the meeting between the two in 2018 on the desks of Fondazione CRT’s Talenti per l’Impresa (Talents for Entreprenurship). It was here that […]
Founded in 1991, Fondazione CRT is Italy’s third largest foundation of banking origin in terms of assets. It has granted a total of more than EUR 2 billion for over 42,000 projects in the fields of art, research, education, welfare, the environment and innovation in the North West in a national and international dimension. ↗ […]
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Via XX Settembre, 31
10121 Torino – Italia
P (Phone Number) +39 011 5065 100
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FC (Fiscal Code / Tax Code / Tax Number) 97542550013
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