Journalism and Inclusion: Paolo Osiride Ferrero Award

Disability, social inclusion and participation. The Paolo Osiride Ferrero Journalistic Award was created to enhance the work of raising awareness on these issues and to reward those who have distinguished themselves in their journalistic and authorial activities thanks to a language and approach of investigation or public outcry, capable of truly advancing civil society on such central topics.

In this second edition of the award there were more than 150 entries from all over Italy. Prizes were awarded to Antonio Mira, journalist for “La Via Libera”, with the article “Cercarla anche se non è facile” (Seeking it even if it’s not easy) – Printed Paper Prize; Laura Berti and Lidia Scognamiglio for the report aired on December 25, 2023 on TG2 Medicina 33 – Radio and TV Prize; Elena Magagnoli for the article “UE: le donne con disabilità sono vittime di sterilizzazione forzata”(EU: women with disabilities are victims of forced sterilization) published in the online newspaper “La Svolta” – Web and Social Prize. A Special Prize was awarded to LAD – Liceo Artistico del Design of Turin for the visual communication of the Ferrero Journalistic Award.

The Award is conceived and promoted by CPD – Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà thanks to the support and strategic partnership with Fondazione CRT as part of the Agenda della Disabilità project, under the patronage of the Piedmont Order of Journalists, the National Order of Journalists, the Italian National Press Federation, the City of Turin, the Piedmont Region, and in collaboration with the University of Turin’s Master’s Degree in Journalism “Giorgio Bocca”, the Angelo Burzi Association, Opes APS, the media partnership with ANSA Agency, and the support of ASTM Group S.p.A., Avio Aero, Reply S.p.A. and Fondazione Venesio Ente Filantropico.

The Award was established in memory of Paolo Osiride Ferrero, historic president of the Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà, elected in 1995 and to which he dedicated his whole life until his passing.