Santuari e Comunità Project

“Santuari e Comunità – Storie che si incontrano” è il progetto della Fondazione CRT per recuperare e valorizzare i Santuari

Città e Cattedrali Plan

Città e Cattedrali (Cities and Cathedrals) is a major plan for the enhancement of the ecclesiastical cultural heritage in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, conceived by Fondazione CRT and the Dioceses of the two regions in collaboration with the Piedmont Region and the peripheral bodies of MIBACT (Ministry of Culture). It was created in 2005 with […]

Esponente Call for proposals

Esponente is a project of  Fondazione CRT that deals with exhibition activities and the reorganisation of museum collections to make them more accessible to the public, especially young people. Special attention is given to the development of operational tools that facilitate access to culture for people with disabilities and special needs. Esponente also supports the […]

Not&Sipari Call for proposals

Not&Sipari is the Fondazione CRT’s call for proposals dedicated to the spread of music, theatre and dance. The 2022 call for proposals provides grants of up to 40,000 euros for each live performance event selected. In line with the goals of the 2030 Agenda, Not&Sipari 2022 promotes four new targets by including them in the evaluation […]

Restauri – Cantieri Diffusi Call for proposals

“Restauri – Cantieri Diffusi” (Restorations – Widespread Construction Sites) is the Fondazione CRT’s call for proposals to promote the historical, artistic and architectural heritage of Piedmont and Aosta Valley, especially activities on artistic heritage in smaller towns. Since 2022, the project has also supported interventions to restore historic parks and gardens. The aim of this […]