Civil Protection at work

The truth is that “a half-hour storm is enough to cause disasters.” Roberto Bertone, regional coordinator of the Civil Protection of Piedmont, states this without much emphasis, with the awareness of someone who has become accustomed to managing emergencies.

“At the moment, the coordination of the Civil Protection of Turin and Verbano is engaged, with reinforcement from the coordination of Novara,” he continues. “However, we are considering setting up a contingent to send to Cervinia as well.”

Men and equipment are intervening after yet another natural disaster. As Bertone explained, “30 minutes is enough.” In just over half an hour, 200 millimeters of rain fell. An immense amount that poured down in a small area, adding to the snow that had fallen a few days earlier. An uncontrollable river of mud that swept through the territories of the Valli di Lanzo, Macugnaga, and the lower Eporediese. The videos are making rounds throughout Italy.

The Protezione Civile Piemontese is a well-tested machine over the years, always ready to move and operate quickly and efficiently. Since yesterday, this machine has deployed 230 volunteers from various associations active in the area (such as ANA,  AIBCroce RossaANPAS) and over 60 vehicles, including excavators, earth-moving machines, and pumps.

A well-tested machine that has been supported for years by Fondazione CRT, which has contributed to the purchase of the mobile units’ equipment and vehicles of the Civil Protection, as well as equipment and vehicles for groups in the Piedmont and Aosta Valley areas.

To date, Fondazione CRT has provided over 7.5 million euros for the purchase of 653 Civil Protection vehicles. Of these, 6.3 million euros were allocated for the establishment and maintenance of the Regional Mobile Column of Civil Protection – equipped with heavy vehicles capable of intervening in regional and national emergencies. Like those of these days.