Talents for Fundraising

Talenti per il Fundraising (Talents for Fundraising) is an advanced training course by Fondazione CRT aimed at graduates of universities in Piedmont and Aosta Valley.

The course provides 160 hours of training, the cost of which is fully covered by Fondazione CRT, to 50 young aspiring fundraising professionals on the skills needed to work in the fundraising sector.

The course is developed in collaboration with graduates of Fondazione CRT’s Talenti projects, the course includes theoretical lessons, practical workshops on concrete cases, thematic workshops, team-building activities and a final intensive residential module.

After the basic concepts of fundraising, the most innovative tools applied to fundraising are analysed: from the new frontiers of crowdfunding to solidarity legacies, from gadgets to storytelling and emotional communication to engage donors, from non-profit taxation to the management of the board and volunteers in organisations, from cases of success and failure told by junior fundraisers to the unveiling of the “secrets of the trade” of great fundraisers in a real “clash of the titans”.

Talenti Fundrising gruppo

In the last edition, the 50 selected young people tackled the cycle of activities divided into five working groups dedicated to five third sector players involved in the project: Gran Paradiso National Park, INFINI.TO – Planetarium of Turin, Musei Reali Torino, Fondazione Piemontese per la Ricerca sul Cancro, CasaOZ Onlus.

Among the activities planned, the five “teams” had to implement real fundraising campaigns, “tested” during Donor Day.

At the end of the training phase, the best 20 participants had the opportunity to complete a six-month internship with non-profit organisations in Piedmont and Aosta Valley, thanks to grants provided by Fondazione CRT: the organisations that applied to host the young fundraising talents met the youngsters during an ad hoc “career day”.


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