The Fondazione ULAOP-CRT Onlus was founded in 2018 as a further development of the path taken by the Associazione Ulaop Onlus in 2010. It is a laboratory for ideas and projects aimed at promoting a shared culture of parenting, education and early childhood care. It is a hub for social innovation, experimenting with family-friendly policies in line with the welfare policy of the Fondazione CRT, which is the founding partner. “Parenthood is Community” is the motto of ULAOP, which has always worked with institutions for the well-being of families.
- Research and Education
Talents for the Community
Fondazione CRT is launching the project “Talents for the Community – building new leadership”, an innovative training course aimed at people who work every day for the enhancement of civic, social and economic development of local communities. The aim of the course is to provide tools to enhance the effectiveness of the action of operators […]